Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Donald Trump Discusses his ‘Manhood’ Size At Republican Presidential Debate

Donald Trump Discusses his ‘Manhood’ Size At Republican Presidential Debate
The race for the Republican presidential nomination continued its low-brow tone last night as front-runner Donald Trump appeared to brag about the size of his 'manhood'. The billionaire businessman traded below-the-belt blows with fellow Republican contender Marco Rubio following Trump's success on Super Tuesday.
Earlier this week, Florida senator Rubio - branded "Little Marco" by Trump in reference to his height - raised
Trump (m) at the debate.
eyebrows with a dig about the size of his rival's hands. At last night's GOP Debate, Rubio was quizzed on Mitt Romney's critical remarks about Trump, after the former Republican candidate launched a blistering attack.
Rubio replied: "Donald has mocked everyone and has done so to people on this stage. If there's anyone who deserved to be attacked it's Donald Trump."
Trump then referenced Rubio's criticism of his hands, saying: "Look at these hands. Are these small hands? "If they're small, something else must be small," he said, referring to his manhood. "I guarantee you there's no problem, I guarantee you."

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