Friday, April 1, 2016

4 Weird Things Ladies Do when During Their Periods

Men avoid a lady on her periods like the plague. I can’t blame them anyway, our flaring hormones make us
the least likeable people to be around. Coming to think of it, seclusion of women on their periods in the Old Testament may have been solely for this reason.
It’s like the men had a call for action having established that women on their periods were unbearable decided to declare them 'unclean', therefore not fit to be around. What a shrewd way to escape the wrath of a woman on her p’s.
What  they do not understand is that periods are horrible to say the least and very few ladies make it through the one week with no complications. For the others every part of the body hurts and you feel like dying, only you can't, you live to deal with the pain; intense cramps, back pains, headaches and mood swings.
Aside from the usual there are a few who experience very weird preludes to their mense’s. A few ladies shared their unique pre and post period experiences to make men understand the reason why we act up during that time of the month.
Unusual thirst
It may  be zero degree’s outside but for this type they will drink gallons of water when their periods come knocking. Even after they have downed a whole jug, their throat will be as dry as the sahara ten minutes later.
This is understandably the body’s way of preparing for the long week ahead.
Hunger pangs
She may be stubborn eater who picks what to eat and even then, she will take small portions. However when it comes to that time of the month, she will devour anything that is edible. Her once fully stocked fridge will be empty in two days and whatever it is, she will not get enough of anything.
Problem is she soon becomes bloated then the emotional tears will come flowing the moment she can't fit into her jeans.
Sleeping beauty
No amount of caffein will keep her eyelids open. All she wants to do is sleep, wake up for food and sleep some more.

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