Sunday, May 10, 2015

Koffi Makes Debut With Koffi Metamorpho
Uzo Chikere
Multiple-award winning comedian, actor, cum musician, Koffi has released a new album titled ‘Koffi Metamorpho’.
Born Ayinde Okin, Koffi has made tremendous effort with his music over the years.
Some of his popular songs include, ‘Aroma’, ‘Green is my home’, ‘Better Life’ and ‘Splufik’ to mention a few.
The twelve track album claims to be free of vanity, profanity or nudity, which is very common in the entertainment industry today.
Tracks on the album include; ‘Get Back Home’ (A call to Nigerians in the diaspora and response to Xenophobia), ‘Pen Ati Paper’ (A wake up call to government on the need to promote Agriculture over oil), ‘Asko’ featuring Splufik All-stars, among others.
The album, ‘Koffi Metamorpho’ is simply a new age sound that is garnished with wholesome lyrics and a pleasant melody that is guaranteed to keep you entertained throughout the length of the album.
He has fueled his effort by releasing two videos for two songs off the album, ‘Jabele’ and ‘Pen Ati Paper’.

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