Sunday, February 12, 2017

Most Ghana Celebrities Especially Musicians Lack ‘Real Talent’! Their Priority Is Just To Be In The News

There’s something going on of-late in the Ghanaian dispensation among those who’re believed to be our ‘celebrities’ because they occasionally appear on our screens. Arguably, most of the so called celebrities in Ghana can be best labeled as ‘Village Champions’ because after crossing the boarders or boundaries of Ghana, they’re just normal people who’re not recognized by non-Ghanaians even those that we share boundaries with.

However, when these musicians, actors and actresses are confronted by Ghanaians even for an interview session by our media personnel, come and see the humiliations meted out to them. We live in a country where some celebrities walks with ‘body guards’ which makes it difficult for their loyal fans to interact with them as if Ghana is similar to Afghanistan!

 Now, throughout the week, some people have recorded their names in the media dispensation for no apparent reason that I can personally point it out. Some decided to fake-death reports in order to win the sympathy of the media houses. News popped up concerning Coded of 4×4 fame who was believed to have been hospitalized as a result of car accident which he had sympathy from the online news reporters (Bloggers) and television entertainment programs.

 Meanwhile, the issue took another turn which revealed that all the death rumours were basically for publicity stunt. On the other hand, there was a report on the death of Kumawood actress, Nana Ama Mcbrown over the week who was believed to have fall victim to food poisoning. Indeed, I understand that to stay relevant as a celebrity, is to have your name in the news most often, however, it must be a positive one. But the Ghanaian public personalities I have known thought otherwise.

They always have the conviction that negative or bad news will sell or project their brand to a higher level. Well, a time will come when it won’t be a mere publicity stunt. I’m praying such celebrity faked-dead news will turn out to be true for you can’t deceive nature or better still Ghanaians all the time.

Similarly, our female celebrities are the worse to talk about. Sometime it looks like apart from talking about their sex life in public, they’ve nothing good to offer. It’s so sad that over the week, some female artistes in the person of Ebony Reigns (Dancehall act) and Sista Afia (musician) got themselves trending as a result of declaring themselves as Nymphomaniac or better still ‘Sex Machines‘.

According to them, they enjoy having sex all the time despite the fact that they’re not legally married to any man. Sometimes I wonder if we should blame the media interviewers for asking trivial questions anytime they get the opportunity. Simply, the kind of questions the interviewer will ask call for these ‘no- sense’ responses. Ideally, the sex life of a celebrity in Ghana is of no use or important to the general public.

If you’re a public figure, your works and words that comes out must serve as inspiration to the all those who’ll get the opportunity to listen to you. Fast forward, one person who constantly be in the news for no apparent reason cannot be left out the self-acclaimed Counsellor George Lutherodt who has decided to be a talkative, punching into peoples private matters just for publicity stunt.

Not long ago, he had constantly bashed actor Kofi Adjorlolo, who’s in his 60s, going out with a lady in her late 20s in the person of Victoria Lebene. Truly, everybody has choices, so who cares about the age difference of a person’s fiancee? The fact is that, every country need mentors or role models who serve as a guiding rod for the up and coming ones. Therefore, our celebrities are part of those who serve as role models for the younger generation and whose lives have an adverse effects on their fans or followers.

If so, they must be very careful by the way they carry themselves or better still the news that circulate about or around them, because they command a lot of respect from their followers. For whatever they’ll do, there are some ignorant people out there who’ll copy blindly from their acts believing it’s the best.

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